
A guide to working remotely with children

Manage expectations

Manage expectations

Let your manager know that you’ll be juggling work and children. Explain to your children the difference between working from home and weekends or holidays. But don’t feel guilty for taking time out here and there to play or talk to them.

Arrange virtual babysitters

Arrange virtual babysitters

Ask family, friends, carers and babysitters to take part in online play dates with your kids. They can talk, read, play games, have a singalong, or even do the hokey cokey!

Plan low-supervision activities

Plan low-supervision activities

Create activity boxes containing games and puzzles that your child can happily play with on their own. Favourite apps and shows will also keep them entertained.

Find a way together

Find a way together

Children and adults are all experiencing a sudden change in routine. Be flexible and adjust your schedule to what works better for you. Invite children to have their say and work together to find creative solutions for your new normal.