
Business as unusual: Primary and content production during COVID-19

The second newsletter in our series explores how it is possible to adapt to the challenges that COVID-19 is having on content and primary production during these unprecedented times.

Ask the question

Ask the question

Production companies are full of creative ideas and solutions – it is what we do. We are used to adapting to unforeseen challenges on a daily basis and at short notice. There will be different solutions to any given challenge at the moment, it might just need a fresh perspective.

Prioritise your production pipeline

Prioritise your production pipeline

It is important to assess all of the work that is due to be delivered in the next few months. Everyone wants to keep things moving and, in many cases, this will still be possible, but perhaps just not as we traditionally know it. What can be brought forward, what can be pushed back, what can continue as normal and what needs a rethink?

Adapt the execution

Adapt the execution

If the original idea is not possible or no longer appropriate, what is? It may be better to review the creative idea than try to achieve an impossible shoot. Think about how the shoot can be adapted to allow more work to be done in post, using VFX and CGI to bring your content to life.

Use what you have

Use what you have

Sometimes a new shoot simply isn’t going to be practical. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t produce new work. Look at what content you already have, think about what can be repurposed or adapted. We use AI-powered search and tagging to find assets that can be brought to life in a new way, in a new time.

Embrace innovation

Embrace innovation

Technology can help production continuity while maintaining safety. Consider remote supervision of shoots and post-production, instant transfer of rushes, virtual sets and synthesised talent. Incredible things can be achieved. Talk to, our dedicated innovation team.

Think global

Think global

A global production community provides access to global solutions. What may not be possible in one country may be achievable elsewhere. Don’t be constrained by geography, and be willing to ‘attend’ shoots remotely to allow work to be produced anywhere in the world.

Health and safety on set

Health and safety on set

Life on set will be different at the moment. It is possible to shoot some work in a safe and effective way with no detriment to quality. We have produced a guide to safe shooting and have continued to create new work throughout this period. Planning is key: you need to understand your risks and contingencies. Safety will always come first.

Plan for the future

Plan for the future

You should be ready to move when restrictions begin to be lifted around the world. Continue pre-production, and be prepared to be flexible about location and timing. Each project will be different, but planning now will mean getting work to market quickly when things start to return to some form of normality.

Work as a team

Work as a team

No one has every part of the answer. Assemble a SWAT team that brings together the best thinking and talent from your creative and media agencies, from your internal marketing and brand teams, and from your production and content creation partner. Now, more than ever, we need to come together to solve problems as a team, and be flexible and imaginative enough to produce amazing work – whatever restrictions we face.

A knowledgable Partner

A knowledgable Partner

The logistics, financial and legal implications of COVID-19 will continue to evolve in the coming weeks, months and possibly years, and will required ongoing guidance and support to establish the best scenarios and solutions. Communication at times of crisis is critical. Please talk to us if you need any help or advice.